Friday, September 7, 2012

Clothing for a Cause

If you are citizen of Guelph, a Guelphite if you will, you may notice some of the many things around town that Guelph is quite proud of. Not proud in a bad way, but proud for good reason. For example, we have the Guelph Farmer's Market where local farmers and artisans sell their products. We have the new and improved Market Square in front of the newly improved City Hall. The Market Square hosts community events that are fun for the whole family and bring a positive vibe to a downtown night-time experience. We also have a number of beautiful parks and green-spaces that preserve the natural beauty of our fine city.
But now Guelph has the opportunity to be proud of something else. I say opportunity because there is a chance people could take this new addition for granted and fail to take advantage of what it offers. I'm talking about Downtown's second newest tenant, Grey Rock Clothing Co. It's located on Quebec Street, just a few doors down from the Bookshelf.
Why be proud of a clothing store?
Well, Grey Rock Clothing Co., or, Grey Rock, as the kids say, is a completely sweat shop free clothing store. That means all of the clothing sold was made with by the hands of folks who earn a fair wage for the work they do. It also means your new plaid shirt and slim fitting pants won't have the sweat of children unnoticeably infused into the fabric.
Grey Rock operates with the axiom “You can change the world with your everyday purchases”. They let us know the importance of equality among labourers and consumers.
They carry brands like Elroy, Indigenous Designs, PACT, Jedidiah, and Oliberte and each of these brands carries a unique and often inspiring story. You may not have heard of these brands, but it's time you did your research because not only are they globally conscious, they also make some pretty nice clothes.
I would like to stress again that Grey Rock's presence in Guelph is an opportunity for Guelph. If we want it to stick around we need to support the cause. Not the cause of nice clothes and Downtown boutiques, but the cause of equality and the cause of human rights. It's really nice for folks to talk about how great brands are for being fair trade or sweatshop free, but if we as the consumers don't get behind them by choosing their product over another.
Purchasing fair trade, sweatshop and child labour free items may not be the cheapest option for some, but it is always less costly for others. Sweatshop produced clothing comes with a much higher price than what is found on the tag.
So this Saturday (September 6th) get downtown and meet Grey Rock's owner Beth Timlin, she's got a heart of gold and a wicked smile. Grey Rock will be serving cupcakes and there will be special gifts for people who spend $60+ in celebration of their grand opening!

For more information on Grey Rock and what they're doing to make the world a better place, you can check out their website, and even follow Beth on Twitter @GreyRockCo

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